Thursday, June 13, 2013

What is a smartphone all about?

Popular smartphones, photo source:

Do you ever wonder why cell phones have become so complicated, and what the floating pictures or icons are on the phones?  Hopefully, this post will help you to understand how much of an asset smartphones can be to you.

Before we get started, let's see if this video seems to capture how you feel about new cell phones?

Well do not worry if smartphones seem overwhelming or intimidating.  Just know that with patience, tutorials, and practice, most can master using a smartphone in a short period of time.  These phones will prove to be a tremendous help with many everyday activities.  I particularly appreciate the GPS (Global Positioning System) navigational service, bar code reader, and YouVersion Bible app.  We'll discuss apps later, but for now, let's concentrate on smartphones. 

If you are technically challenged, just adjust your attitude to extra patience and extremely "open" to learn something new!

According to the Cell Phones section of, "a smartphone is a device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds in features that, in the past, you would have found only on a personal digital assistant or a computer--such as the ability to send and receive e-mails." In addition describes the smartphone as "a cell phone that includes additional software functions (as ... an Internet browser)."  Apple's smartphone is called the iPhone and runs on the iOS or i operating system; two other top smartphone operating systems are Google's Android and Nokia's Symbian.

Smartphones include the QWERTY keyboard. This means the letters to type on are arranged in the same manner as they would be on your computer keyboard or typewriter.  The first five letters are Q W E R T Y.

Let's watch a video from YouTube, What is a smartphone?

Many thanks to Nick Jaynes and for this video.

Why does a senior citizen need a smartphone?  That is a great question. My answer to that is "the same reason anyone else would need one."  I found some articles under, "Didn't Need It and I Love My iPhone,"  written by Sheila Finkelstein, of; Sheila explains how and why she grew to love her iPhone. Please  click the link and review her articles to see how she uses this technology for her benefit and pleasure. 

There are many applications of interest and assistance on smartphones, from finding low gasoline prices to checking your bank account activity to locating the nearest barbeque spot, (yes, I love NC BBQ).

Hopefully, things are becoming clearer about smartphones, and now you know what a smartphone is, let's look at a article "Best cell phones" to explore some brands, pricing, and features on these phones.  Please do not focus on the many details here but know there are many choices available, and they all aim to make your life easier and more exciting. 

More on Smartphones

Smartphones are a growing global trend, and utilizing this technology will help anyone stay current with our world, national and local news, entertainment, culture, events, activities, government, business, shopping, and much more.  The slides below depict who, how, and where smartphones are being used. In addition, it covers future usage of smartphones.  It is crucial to stay informed of this technology so that you will not be left behind.


What are Apps all about?

Mobile apps are software applications developed for small handheld devices such as iPhones, smartphones, PDAs (personal digital assistants), tablets, and iPads. The app economy is a multibillion dollar industry, and according to FutureSource Consulting and, mobile app downloads are increasing exponentially, as depicted in the display below.  Apps open up smartphones to unlimited education, entertainment, information, and internet access opportunities.

Therefore, we will review apps for smartphones next.

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